The Yellow Pine campground is less than a mile south of town. The Golden Gate campground is about two miles south of town on the Johnson Creek road; the Devil's Bathtub Campground is just down the East Fork road; there is also free camping in the forest around the town (with portable toilets). There is also other free stream-side camping further away. Yellow Pine does not have an RV dump station.
Local lodging accommodations fill up early in Yellow Pine. It is strongly recommended that you contact these locations before July, to check on availability: Alpine Village - 208/633-6208 (winter: 208-697-7343) Murph's RV Park - 208/633-6677 Wapiti Meadow Ranch - 208/633-3217 Yellow Pine Lodge - 208/633-3377 (winter: 775-753-3631) Bill/Lorraine McIntosh - 208/633-5555 (residents renting extra rooms)
Free day parking for autos is available in town just 1 block from all the action. Just follow the signs. ATV & Cycle parking is available by going into the day parking area and across the Ellison/Behne intersection. Area is marked.