Café Lemongrass is a fictional restaurant created and developed for an assignment in school. We were left alone in the design aspect of the website and I spent approximately three or three and a half hours in all. The restaurant specialized is herbal and floral flavors and aims to be less sweet than so many of the foods and flavors that are in our culture. I wanted this website to present this classic and simple take on modern cuisine. For this reason I chose a splash page that featured lavender fields and a floral-esque font. While this embraced most of what Café Lemongrass stands for, I also kept the header navigation and menu page simple and classy.
The logo of Café Lemongrass took a little longer to put together. It went through many variations before I settled on just a simple test logo with a sprig of lemongrass running though the word Café. However, according to some outside input, I changed the sprig so that it ran under the word Café.